Chilli Plants and Insects

The battle between insects and growers will go on way beyond man, and its not a case of irradiation but balance the eco system around you, look for companion growing tips where other plants are used to repel insects, if you have a specific problem research the insect and see what repels that insect

Greenhouses, PolyTunnels and Hydroponic Rooms are like flashy beacons to insects - you will always get visitors - here are some pictures of the ones I have had

Butterflies look great!

They are also one of the biggest pains to plants - caterpillars are eating machines and you could find one morning half your plant has been eaten

This beautiful Red Admiral was promptly escorted out of the room and back to freedom

On really hot days, I have to open the door to the room and open the back door to get movement of air into the room - this sometimes attracts flying insects - this wasp was found on the Galapagoense Plant and unfortunately had hovered close the lights as one of its wings was burnt off - I dont like killing insects (except mites), but after collecting it up and taking it outside, it couldnt take off with all the flapping from one side

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