Spider Mites and Chilli Plants

Chilli and Spider Mites

Spider Mites are a serious problem, normally found in enclosed growing conditions but not exclusive and can be found on plants and trees in the open

However, the environment has to be right for them and as such indoor hydroponic setups are perfect for them to breed in and they do breed!


You may not see them in their adult form as they really are microscopic


You will see their eggs though, and when grouped up together like this picture you can see the infestation occurring. They congregate around the veins of a plant and on the stems - feeding of the best source of nutrients from the plant


If left untreated the plant will slowly be  killed off as you can see on this tree - large parts of it has been killed due to the mites consuming the nutrients


Pesticides are largely useless in this case as you will not get all the eggs or adults in the room or on the plant and there is little point as the mite has a natural predator which really does work wonders and is not harmful to you or the environment


Phytoline P are spider mite predators which go nuts in a growing room - given enough food they will out breed the spider mite

They eat anything crawling in any stage of growth - eggs or adults

You can buy these bottles from nearly any hydroponic shop and occasionally garden centres

Take one bottle of 1000 predators, and shake over the plants that are infected ensuring that they are spread as much as possible in the room

Sit back and wait for them to do their work

Once all mites are gone and the plants are looking clean again, they will then either die off or turn on themselves, ensuring that the room is left clean


For this to be effective, if you see only a few eggs, the predators might not have enough food stores to clean the room completely before they starve themselves, by allowing the mites to build up slightly first you will ensure there is enough food available for the predators to take hold and breed

Nature at its best!

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