Peter Pepper Chilli Plant Photo Diary 2010 & 2011



Germination Rate : Very Easy 10days
Type of Plant : Floor Growing indoors or out
Chilli Heat : Mild to hot
Chilli Pods Use : Powdered or Whole in Cooking
Fresh Taste : Fruity
Ease to Grow : Very Easy
Height : 3-6foot
Number of expected pods : 40+
Time from Planting Seed to First Harvest : 6months
Ideal Pot Size : 15litre with saucer
Overwinter : Yes
Hydroponic Grow :Yes - Growth is unbelievable

C. Annuum Peter Pepper Yellow - 2011

2010 I grew the red version (PI 593566) so this year I thought I would grow the yellow version and see the difference in this most pornographic of chilli pods

16.05.11. Doubled in size in just a week and look very nice!

23.05.11. Growing strong and starting to extend its stem

30.05.11. This plant has really broaden this week and showing great leaves

06.06.11. Leaves have responded to the HID lights this week and really thickened up - good photosynthesis going on

13.06.11. Growing Taller and the leaves are getting broader

20.06.11. The plant is nice and bushy and starting to bud on top - silly looking pods on their way

27.06.11. Buds are forming and flowers starting to open so not long before I have willy shaped chillies

04.07.11. Flowering well under a great canopy - flowers are opening and starting to produce pollen

11.07.11. Starting to pollinate its flowers and produce some pods - cannot see them yet, but the flower petals are wilting so next week I will have some willies growing

18.07.11. First pod showing and yes it has willy features - grown from pollinated pod to this size in just a week, so next week it should be almost full size, other flowers have germinated and more buds opening so should be a good crop

25.07.11. Half a dozen pods showing now - all willy shaped!!  - Looking nice and growing great

01.08.11. Pods are now starting to grow full size and really are looking funny - plant is still growing and in a great bushy form, producing some flowers rather than lots and losing half

15.08.11. Still got a little growth going on, producing more flowers and pods which is nice - the red version I grew was heading off to 4 foot, this is the same, but I wonder if it will continue to grow given the conditions. Pods are numerous but hard to see through the foliage - when they turn colour they will look amazing

22.08.11. I like how this plant is growing - slow and steady, pods are thickening, whole new growth and a few flowers are also being produced, colour will start to come them soon I hope

29.08.11. The plant is nicely formed and the pods are numerous and getting bigger

12.09.11. The pods are now turning colour and very rapid colour change, while the plant is still producing new foliage and flowers, the flowers have huge petals and produce a lot of pollen - good looking plant

19.09.11. First Harvest of 10 pods - looking great in yellow! Still plenty more to go

20.10.11. Completed a full harvest today, several pods still green, but it was time to make room for the next plant - great harvest, and compared to the red version the yellow has thinner pods, but good heat and flavour

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