We state take the taste test but what is it?
With all spices the quickest and easiest way to know what your spice is like is to take a mug of boiled water, wait a minute and then drop in a 1/2 teaspoon of your spice if powder or granulated, a few whole corns or a part ripped leaf etc and stir
Wait between 5-10 mins and sip the spice tea - the natural elements to the spices will come through when heated up like any type of tea
When you sip swirl the flavoured water around your mouth and you will taste the flavours on the front, sides and back of your tongue
By comparing types in different mugs this way you can take the taste test and see instantly which spice supplier is offering true natures bounty and statements of premium this and that can be understood very quickly
Take the Taste Test today and see for yourself what proper food should taste like