May 06.05.24.

May 06.05.24.
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A good 190 years back, Darwin set sail on an epic 'find the missing link' mission. And voila, the concept of evolution came into being! Since then, we've been on a thrilling rollercoaster, unearthing the secret past lives of many a species, with a special spotlight on our green friends and chirpy chums.

The flower, in all its glory, crashed the Earth's history party some 200 million years ago. We're still scratching our heads trying to figure out which evolutionary magic trick brought it to life! It simply popped up,  maybe the work of the Roman Goddess Flora and in fitting style recently fashionably late, during the Cretaceous period.

Meanwhile, the humble bumblebee, showing off its evolutionary prowess, took a mere 70 million years to adapt and thrive. And in the subsequent 130 million years, we've been blessed with a botanical buffet, overflowing with delightful delicacies of spices, herbs, and a dash of chilli. So, here's to celebrating May Day amid this riot of colours. Cheers from Steve and the Team!

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New 9cm potted plants listed, more to be listed over the next few weeks 
See our 9cm potted chilli plants here
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13th May 2024 Steve

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