April 22.04

April 22.04
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Yesterday, the globe was all a-buzz celebrating Earth Day, however, for me, it's Earth Day every day, no special occasion needed

Fun fact for the day: Coriander seeds play a game of chameleon based on where they grow. South of the Mediterranean, you'll find them donning a light shade and flaunting a larger size. Meanwhile, their European sisters are a tad more modest – darker and smaller. But don't be fooled, same strain of plant, they both pack the same flavour and aroma punch. It's a marvel how nature, the ultimate artist, paints the characteristics of plants differently based on their geographical canvas

This results in a riot of choices, colours, and enjoyment from the multitude of species. This is the reason we  celebrate the full spectrum of variety that add a dash of excitement to our dinner tables. So, here's to the week ahead, full of choices, Enjoy your flavours this week,  Steve and the Team

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Good for 1 use per customer, expires 30th April
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Back in Stock
Some peppers are still out of stock, when there is just one region in the world where the plant grows properly and they have a reduced harvest it is sadly a question of waiting till the next harvest
Banasura Highlands Pepper
Banasura Highlands Pepper
Need to stretch your legs to find
Verbena Lemon Pepper 25g
Verbena Lemon Pepper 25g
Lemon, Lemon and Pepper
Szechuan Green Peppercorns 25g
Szechuan Green Peppercorns 25g
Numbing effect anyone?
Grapefruit Mountain Pepper 25g
Grapefruit Mountain Pepper 25g
Been gone for a while, back today
View all our Peppercorns here
Delayed shipment from Mexico has finally landed, fully stocked on Mexican goodies again
Ancho Chilli - Grande - Primero
Ancho Chilli - Grande - Primero
Cascabel Chilli
Cascabel Chilli
Pasilla Chilli
Pasilla Chilli
Guajillo Chilli
Guajillo Chilli
See our Chillies here
Fancy exploring Mexican chillies - try one of our packs and sort out weekend cooking with flavours that took 500 years to evolve
Mexican Chilli Pack
Mexican Chilli Pack
Holy Trinity Chilli Pack
Holy Trinity Chilli Pack
Chilli Con Carne Chilli Pack
Chilli Con Carne Chilli Pack
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13th May 2024 Steve

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